Sunday, September 25, 2005

SF Symphony Mahler appetizer

At the last minute we decided we would treat ourselves to a little date at the Symphony -- after all, with an orchestra this good in town it seems a crime not to take advantage of it.

The program was quite a mix - some bite sized Wagner excerpts, the Beethoven Piano Concerto and the adagio from Mahler's unfinished Tenth. Such an d experience, that Mahler Tenth. The symphony will be recording it and they'll play it again in April. It's quite the experience, with complicated and sometimes heart-wrenching passages. And you have to hand it to a guy who's willing to end the adage with all the violins nailing a fading harmonic note.

The ending of the program though -- Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries -- just made me giggle. There we are in a Symphony hall nad I feel like we ought to be in a movie theater chomping popcorn and watching Eisenstein.

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