Tuesday, September 07, 2004

HOT HOT HOT - so we see a movie

Well it was so godawful hot in San Francisco this last week that we HAD to locate air conditioning. What is wrong with people in this town that they don't understand the need for air conditioning?

Well after turning up empty at the Asian Art MUseum and the SF Public Library, we went to the movies and saw "Hero." A gorgeous flick, well worth the full price of admission. Read more about it here: http://imdb.com/title/tt0299977/

Jet Li is always a favorite, but he has never looked better than he does here. But it's the production itself that's the star. Like Kurosawa's dreams, the cinematographer has painted pictures and fantasies on the screen. And although we've seen similar sequences before, not just in "Crouching Tiger" but in anime classics like "Ninja Scroll" they're no less breathtaking.

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